Pre-pandemic, I had the pleasure of sitting down with yoga teacher, 90 Monkeys student, photographer, podcaster, and all-around awesome human, Derek (Pashupa) Goodwin for his new podcast, Warrior One.
I've been on my fair share of podcasts over the years, but I gotta tell ya, after listening to Derek's brilliantly cut, humor-filled editing I was nearly on the floor!
In this episode we chat about:
Our last in-person training in March 2020 on the Upanishads and the teaching, "the present is the future revealing the past"
My first real teacher, a summer camp counselor who pushed me toward excellence in canoeing and mountaineering
My early days learning yoga as a teenager and young adult
How I met Krishna Das and started chanting, recording, and traveling with him
Why I left New York City for Colorado
My connection and journey with Taro Smith in marine conservation, life, yoga, and business
How I got started serving yoga teachers in business to thrive and flourish
The story behind our book, The Art and Business of Teaching Yoga
The tricky relationship between yoga and money
A new way to look at "branding" as yoga teachers
How to teach authentically vs. disingenuously
My thoughts on the climate crisis & yoga as engagement in the world vs. head in the sand and hyper individualism