If you’re alive right now, it’s likely been a challenge to manage your nervous system. Living through a pandemic, uprising in the streets, and the climate crisis is a lot.

Let’s be real.

Restorative yoga and other relaxation practices are a must right now if we want to show up in the world at 100% to make a difference.

This restorative heart opener will help calm your nervous system while counteracting slouched posture.

It may also help with depression and leave you with an added boost of energy...

The only contraindication for this pose is Glaucoma.

Props needed: 4 blankets


Step 1:

From a blanket folded in fours, fold open edge 1/3 of the way in.


Step 2:

Take 1/3 of the 1/3 and begin rolling tightly into a burrito shape.


Step 3:

Repeat the burrito making process three times.


Step 4:

Stack the three burritos in a row and push them together tightly.


Step 5:

Lay back over the blankets with the back of your shoulders off the floor or just grazing the floor, bend your knees and plant your feet with toes turned in and knees touching, arms overhead in a diamond shape. Slightly tuck your chin to aid in calming the mind.

In the pose
As best you can, let yourself become still, quiet your environment, cover yourself to stay warm if needed, and cover your eyes with a lightweight eye pillow or hand towel to create darkness. Stay here for 10-20 minutes.

If the backbend feels uncomfortable, decrease the intensity of the backbend, rather than give up on the pose. You can stack two blankets (folded 4x) on top of each other for a thinner support to build yourself up to the burrito rolls eventually.

Give the pose a try and let me know how it goes in the comments!

Model: Tiffany Bush, 90 Monkeys student and yoga teacher on Gaia.com