If you’re looking for a feel-good pose, you need more parighasana in your life! Seriously, no one has ever complained when I tell my yoga class to set up for gate pose.
It’s one of those seldomly practiced poses, so the novelty is welcome, but the feeling you get after practicing it is what makes it such a crowd pleaser.
My favorite thing about teaching yoga is seeing people’s faces when they come out of poses like this that have such immediate glowy, ecstatic results.
Hint: Puppies make this pose extra special.
Here are some of the many benefits of gate pose:
Helps you open the respiratory accessory muscles, the intercostals, thus…
Deepens lung capacity and improves respiratory function so you breathe easier
Delicious lateral stretch of the whole side body and waist
Fabulous inner thigh stretch
Moderate hamstring opener
Great shoulder opener
Getting into gate pose:
Start by kneeling on your mat. Use a blanket to pad your knees if needed.
Stretch your right foot out to the side and with your foot turned in so the outer edge of your foot is roughly parallel to the short edge of your mat
Place your left knee just below your left hip so that your thigh is perpendicular to the mat, and line your right heel up with your left knee
Settle both feet
Tone your legs by drawing your right foot and your left knee toward one another
Keeping that, with hands on your hips, take your chest forward and send your pelvis and pubic bone back so that you’re bending forward slightly. This will create a greater lumbar curve, and increase your flexibility in the coming side bend.
Without pushing your pelvis forward, externally rotate your right leg so your kneecap points upward and your glute draws downward.
Sway to your right over your right leg and place your right hand on your shin, ankle, the floor, or a block
Enjoy the stretch coming into your left side body and waist even more by slightly softening your breastbone down
Sweep your left arm over your ear to the left, pulling your outer shoulder blade back with your hand externally rotated and fingers active
Pull the sides of your throat back before you rotate your head to the sky, gaze to the hand
Elongate the whole pose by expanding toward the ground from your pelvis and from the pelvis back out through the upper extremities and rotate your rib cage to the sky
Note: the further you send your pubic bone and thighs back, the lower down you should be able to slide your right hand as this action increases your range of motion.
Try it out on your mat and leave a comment letting me know what you think! Better yet, share this blog with someone you think would benefit from it.