Happy New Year, dear friends! Like many of you, I took full advantage of the quiet solstice time to take a thorough look at my life.

I've been investigating how I want to feel in the coming years, what truly matters and how to make the most of the precious time I have on this planet - especially when life has become so busy and techno-centric.

What I've come to realize is that nothing I do has as much pizazz or passion if it's not connected to a higher personal purpose or reason why. There's got to be a higher reward.

Seems obvious, right?

But that is easier said than done.

How often have you found yourself just plodding along, doing your work, following your routine but with little zeal?

The fresh start of the New Year gives you the opportunity to reconnect to what you want and get your enthusiasm back!

To rediscover your zeal:

  1. Get out of your house and go somewhere fabulous to sit with your grand purpose. Close your eyes and wait for an image, a symbol or even a clear sentence that articulates why you are here and what you're meant to do.
  2. Write about what you want to feel, do, be and have in your life in the next 1-5 years. Go big!Go forth into everything you do with purpose, passion and ZEAL by always keeping your purpose and what you want in your mind. It can help to have it written out where you meditate each morning so you see it daily.
  3. Let's not allow the passion to fade until New Year's resolutions come around again next year!

My promise to you this year is to teach with more gusto and to devote every practice to reconnecting with our personal purpose so we can reach the stars with our dreams and visions.

All the love, Amy
