Boredom is a gift that is all but extinct.

In the spaces of boredom we can find inspiration, ideas, hobbies, friends…and in the age of social media, the spaces that were once bored are often filled up with hours of scrolling. 

With so much of our time filled with input from social media, news sources, loud opinions, and attention-span-shortening videos, we lose the opportunities of boredom, face-to-face communication, and depth of knowledge.

When I notice I’m spending too much time on social media, I’ll pause and intentionally shift my attention elsewhere.

Here are 10 things you could do instead of scrolling on social media:

  1. Watch Kiss the Ground on Netflix - quite possibly the most important film of our time when it comes to real viable things that can be done to help turn around the climate crisis..

  2. Call an introvert, because they won't call you!

  3. Call a loved one or friend and indulge in a long phone conversation.

  4. Thrift it out!

    • Purge your closets, drawers, and surfaces

    • Host a clothing swap with friends

    • Bring what you don't need anymore to the Salvation Army or GoodWill

  5. Deep clean your house.

    • Do this in stages vs. all at once. For example, take time to clean your fridge, curtains, oven, or closet floors

  6. Read a book. Some of my favorites include:

    • The Plant Paradox, Dr. Steven Gundry

    • Real Change, Sharon Salzberg

    • Eating on the Wildside, Jo Robinson

    • Being Mortal, Atul Gawande

  7. If you have a pet, play with them and train them to do new things.

    • Train them to shhhhhhh, when deliveries arrive at the door

    • Teach them to sit still rather than jumping up on people

    • Work on reducing separation anxiety 

    • Join a dog meet-up at a local dog park - you get to chat and meet new humans while your dog socializes and plays. Win Win!

  8. Go to the Farmer's Market

    • Introduce yourself to your local farmers

    • Join their CSA

    • Once you join, you’ll see them every week when you pick up your produce!

  9. Learn something new. Curious about taking your yoga teaching to the next level? Find a course with us on Vesselify to learn at your own pace.

Leave a comment here! What do you like to do when not on social? And for those rare few of you who are not on social at all - tell us how you spend your time!