Imagine if you could learn yoga philosophy in a safe, warm environment with a bunch of friendly, smart, and conscious people…

Imagine if it wasn’t intimidating and the teachings actually applied to your life in our current 2020 reality…

Imagine not only becoming a better thinker, but using yoga teachings to become a more empowered version of yourself…

Yoga philosophy can be so abstract and obtuse. And some of the interpretations and viewpoints can seem highly irrelevant to 21st Century seekers.

Are you feeling us?

But imagine breaking it down with a teacher and some good friends who can help bring it to life in relatable ways.

That’s the kind of learning environment we dig, and we’re here to help create this space for you too!

And guess what?

The yoga texts are designed to put you off, precisely so you won’t try to master them on your own, and to make sure you’ll seek out a teacher.

We don’t want anyone having to go it alone, so in this virtual module, you will learn the most fundamental aspects of yoga philosophy together, with Amy Ippoliti and the community of 90 Monkeys teachers at your side.


Your learning will happen in four live 3-hr Zoom meetings that take place over two weekends in a row, plus 90 minutes total of contemplation and homework.


Session 1

  • Asana Practice

  • A Brief History of Yoga & Comparative Philosophy

  • Panchakrityas – The Five Acts of Shiva and the story of Nataraja

Session 2

  • Asana Practice

  • Mahabhutas – The 5 Elements

  • The Tattvas – A Map of Our Reality

Session 3

  • Asana Practice

  • The 5 Koshas, the Layers of Being

  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Select Verses

Session 4

  • Asana Practice

  • Ashtanga Yoga – The Eight Limbs of Yoga

  • The 5 Kleshas –  Turn Your Liabilities into Assets

All of the teachings above will be taught through a comparative lens among the varying yoga schools and their interpretations.


Tuition for this training is on a sliding scale to ensure accessibility during the pandemic. We set a $45 minimum to cover basic administration, tech, and production expenses. Every dollar helps maintain our team and school operations during this time so we can continue to bring you high-quality yoga education! The minimum is reserved for those who would otherwise be unable to afford access to training at this time. Please choose a price that is appropriate for your current situation.


Suggested: $195

Tuition for this training is on a sliding scale to ensure accessibility during the pandemic. We set a $45 minimum to cover basic administration, tech, and production expenses. Every dollar helps maintain our team and school operations during this time so we can continue to bring you high-quality yoga education! The minimum is reserved for those who would otherwise be unable to afford access to training at this time. Please choose a price that is appropriate for your current situation.

June 20th-21st
June 27th-28th
8:00-11:00AM - Mountain Time, USA

This training counts towards 90 Monkeys’ Advanced 500-hour Teacher Training Certification and Yoga Alliance contact hours. 100% live attendance is required to receive contact hours, or if you can’t attend live, the replay will be available for non-contact hours credit. No partial contact hour credit will be given for this training.