Are you weary of feeling...
Constantly low energy from lack of sleep or stress?
Bogged down by so much time on the computer?
Depleted from trying to remain sane in such a crazy world?
Bummed about some of the changes in your body as you get older?
Are you experiencing...
Rounded shoulders from too many Zoom meetings and social media?
Fear of going upside down after a hiatus from inversions?
Stiff lower back and moody sacrum from too much sitting?
Sagging — you know the sagging we're talking about — the skin, the muscles, and various other body parts?
This is why Amy‘s here for you with her quarterly Longevity Series!
The three series we've done so far in '22 addressed the changes you’ve been through in the last 2.5 years while setting you up for success and independence in your body as you age.
In our next and final 4-part series of this year we’ll focus specifically on inversions and twists.
You will:
Experience the energizing and cleansing effects of twisting
Learn the secrets to twisting optimally for your lower back safety and comfort
Bask in the youth-preserving effects of going upside down in inversions
Move through your fear of inversions and learn to go up safely
Learn tricks to gauge if you're ready or not to weight bear in handstand, headstand, and forearm stand and the preparations you can work on to get there!
Explore accessible propping to approach the Queen of Asanas, shoulder stand
Settle your nervous system and get grounded through specific Restorative yoga postures that invert and twist
Format: Live recorded sessions
Investment: $65 before October 7 / $75 after