After two years of pandemic life, our bodies have changed dramatically, and it’s been a challenge to tend to your body and keep it functional and vibrant.

Work-from-home and/or long hours on the computer has negatively impacted postural alignment, eyesight, digestion, gut health, and more.

Pandemic-related stress has wreaked havoc on our nervous systems.

And on top of it, you may have noticed how your brain’s been affected by lack of socialization and increased internet use.

This is why we’re genuinely thrilled to be launching multiple Longevity Series in 2022 quarterly that will address the changes you’ve been through while setting you up for success and independence in your body as you age.

In our next 4-part series we’ll focus specifically on longevity and the upper body.

  1. Learn how upper body alignment connects to healthy breathing, better stress response, and improved posture

  2. Counteract negative body changes from the pandemic using sound alignment and understanding of biomechanics 

  3. Have the rare opportunity to be observed and work individually in real-time with Amy via Zoom spotlight (optional of course!)

  4. Master modifications for a variety of commonly “cranky” poses to help clear and resolve shoulder, neck, and jaw problems

  5. Learn how to align optimally in a variety of pose categories such as chest and quad opening poses, standing poses, shoulder mobility poses, and sun salutations

  6. Explore a variety of musculoskeletal injuries and biomechanical challenges related to the upper body parts

  7. Practice eye yoga to help reduce eye strain related to increased screen time

  8. Settle your nervous system and enhance your respiratory function through specific Restorative yoga postures


Tuesdays May 3rd-24th, 2022 from 10-11am MST


Tuesday May 3rd, 10-11am MST

Nuts and Bolts of Healthy Shoulder Mobility

In our introductory class of the series, learn how to stack your shoulder girdle for optimal mobility, satisfying asana, and healthy posture for the entire upper body, including the neck, elbows, wrists and fingers. After a brief, enthusiastic anatomy breakdown, get moving in a practice that will usher in more easeful range of motion and mobility in your upper body.

Tuesday May 10th, 10-11am MST

Burn Bright Like a Starburst: The Power of Chest Opening

Most people think they have tight shoulders, but what they really have are tight chest muscles! This class gets into the nitty gritty on how to stabilize one part of your spine in order to more fully open your chest as well as a thorough practice you can repeat consistently that stretches muscles like the pectoralis major and minor, serratus anterior, and subclavius. Work one-on-one directly with Amy to troubleshoot any upper body issues if you desire, and learn from the demonstrations if you're not in them!

Tuesday May 17th, 10-11am MST

Say Buh-bye to Tech Neck and Dowager's Hump

Yogis are no stranger to the neck and shoulder problems associated with poor posture - especially those stemming from the use of smartphones and computers.  In this class you'll discover a daily yoga practice that can be used to maintain a healthy cervical curve and therefore better range of motion in your upper body for a lifetime. Open your chest, free your neck, and leave taller and brighter!

Tuesday May 24th, 10-11am MST

Twinkly Eyes and Relaxed Jaws for the Win

Do you have an elder you love who's so vivacious, they have a little twinkle in their eye? When we grow up, this is who we want to be! In this final class of the series, we'll do eye yoga to counter eye strain from screens, soften the jaw, and restore the nervous system as well as review any final questions about the upper body.

Investment: $65 before April 30 / $75 after