• Samadhi Center for Yoga (map)
  • 1070 Bannock Street
  • Denver, CO, 80204
  • United States

Weekend Workshop at Samadhi Center for Yoga in Denver, Colorado

Walk away feeling free, uplifted, and unstoppable this weekend! Even if you are not challenged with specific injuries in the below areas, you will open up your body like never before. All levels welcome.

When: November 1st - 3rd

Samadhi Center for Yoga
1070 Bannock St
Denver, CO


Save your spot for ALL FOUR workshops here!

Friday 6:00-8:30

Yoga Shouldn't Hurt - Liberate Your Hips and Knees!
Learn to align properly in all standing poses, hip opening, and hamstring opening poses while holistically addressing injuries such as sacrum, hips, knees and feet. Experience the bliss of full range of motion in your hips through a systematic, gradual exploration of hip opening postures and warm ups. If you feel tight, limited, or have knee challenges, that is the perfect reason to join us. 

Saturday 11:30-2:00
Anatomical Nerdy Euphoria for the Shoulders
Taking the time to understand your shoulder anatomy is a game-changer for a long-term yoga practice. After an enthusiastic overview of the shoulder girdle, Amy will help you align more effectively in all your chest and quad opening poses, standing poses, sun salutations, and backbends while addressing common injuries such as rotator cuff, tendonitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome

Saturday 3:30-5:00
Hamstring and Lower Back Freedom Now!
No amount of practice will loosen tight hamstrings if you're not honoring the body's intelligence - it's not quantity, it's quality! Learn valuable, user-friendly tips to unlock the stiffness that restricts your lower back and hammies. Breathe new life into your lower body with a delicious spectrum of hamstring and lower back poses modified for therapeutic relief and benefit. 

Sunday 12:00-2:30
Say Buh-Bye to Tech Neck 
Do your neck and shoulders need a reboot? Yogis are no stranger to the neck and shoulder problems associated with poor posture - especially those stemming from the use of smartphones and computers. In this workshop, discover a daily yoga practice that can be used to maintain healthy cervical curve and better range of motion in your shoulders for a lifetime. Open your chest, free your neck, and leave taller and brighter!

Sign up here for all four workshops!

Can’t make it to all four?
Sign up for individual sessions for only $65!