• Ohana Yoga (map)
  • 4342 Tennyson Street
  • Denver, CO, 80212
  • United States

We're heading back to Family - Ohana Yoga!

Expanding the Middle - The Power of Yin and Yang
In this fulfilling day of yoga, we'll start the morning full on with a spirited practice of inversions and arm balances, and then enter the afternoon session with restorative, soothing practices that stretch, open, and renew your body and spirit.

Morning Practice:
Full ON Upside Down Flying Machine: Inversions and Arm Balances for All Levels!
We often over rely on force in Inversions and arm balances rather than using architectural smarts and proper specific warm up to get into them smoothly. Learn to approach these poses with ease, grace, and power. You will learn tricks to kick up to the wall, balance without the wall, open your shoulders, boost your confidence to get air borne, and connect to your playful spirit. By exploring the science and psychology of arm-balances and inversions you will get past the mind blocks that stop you and instead equip you for any challenge life brings in the future.

Open to ALL levels !!!

Afternoon Practice:
Simply Irresistible: A Restorative Practice for the Lower Back, Hamstrings and Hips
In the first half of the afternoon session you will breathe new life into your lower body with a delicious spectrum of hamstring, hip, and lower back poses modified for therapeutic relief and benefit. In the second half, bring on the bolsters and blankets and settle deeply into restorative poses decompress, unwind, and be nourished. Perfect if you want more freedom and ease in your lower body so you can shine more brightly. You will walk away feeling taller, lighter, stronger and like anything is possible!

Open to ALL levels of cosmic travelers!!!